Synopsis: Yūsuke Yotsuya a normal yet bored of his mundane life in Tokyo. Eventually, he is transported to another world where he and fellow school mates, Iu Shindo and Kusue Hakozaki. The group is then meet by a mysterious individual known as the Game Master who gives them a quest that they must acquiesce. Read more...
Synopsis:Shindou and Hakozaki are unable to revive after being eaten by a troll. In the midst of fighting alone to raise his level, Yotsuya is upgraded to a new job class: Chef. He uses his new job skills to save the two girls, and the three of them finally defeat the troll. Their reward is a glimpse of what the world will look like after they complete all ten quests, and the scene they see brings a certain thought to Yotsuya's mind... Read more...
Synopsis: After being told by the Game Master to hit on a certain girl, Yotsuya sneaks into the girls' restroom of an unfamiliar high school and saves Tokitate Yuka from being bullied by her classmates. Tokitate turns out to be the fourth party member. When she's summoned into the other world, Tokitate develops a deep admiration for Shindou, whom she sees as much stronger and prettier than herself.... but Shindou also has a past that she can't tell anyone about. Read more...
Synopsis: The party heads toward Radodorbo, a village far to the west, to complete the latest stage of their quest. However, Shindou is captured by bandits on the way. Tokitate and Hakozaki want to save her, but Yotsuya just wants to hurry on, so the three of them end up parting ways. Yotsuya then enters a martial arts tournament in Cortonel in hopes of winning some horses they can use, and there, he meets a woman knight named Kahvel. Read more...
Synopsis: Yotsuya has succeeded in saving the other party members with Kahvel's help. Kahvel agrees to accompany them to Radodorbo if they'll allow her to train them in swordsmanship, since they are the players and therefore can't die. They encounter a village of goblins on the way and engage them in battle. Hakozaki, who only slowed everyone down in battle before due to her lack of strength and resignation, finally finds her resolve and manages to slay a goblin on her own. Read more...